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Publications, online training and more resources from DSC

How to become a charity trustee: A practical guide

Want to boost your career, skills and happiness? Becoming a charity trustee could do all this and more. Find out what a trustee is, how to become one and how to discover the charity that’s right for you. Find out more.


From Here to Diversity: A practical guide to recruiting Black and Asian charity trustees

Your charity’s board of trustees could be missing out on a considerable pool of talent, skills and experience by failing to reach more racially diverse networks. Find out more.


Key Guides: The Charity Trustee’s Handbook

This guide is ideal for anyone thinking of becoming a charity trustee, or who is new to the role. Find out more.


Key Guides: The Board Secretary’s Handbook

This handbook tells you what a board secretary is and why you need one. It explains the roles, duties and responsibilities depending on your organisation. Find out more.


Key Guides: Effective School Governance

What is a governor? How do you become one? And how can you make a difference to your school? This guide will help fine-tune your governing body into an exceptional team. Find out more.

Duties of a Trustee — online course

Trustees play such an important role in charities — so it’s vital that they’re equipped to do their job well. Book your place here.


It’s a Battle on the Board

Wouldn’t charity governance be so much easier if it wasn’t for all of your fellow trustees? Debra Allcock Tyler’s approach to the challenging subject of trusteeship is characteristically engaging as she adopts a different ABBA tune as the theme for each chapter. Mixing leadership theory with practical advice and real-life examples, she dispenses her wisdom straight from the shoulder. Find out more.


Financial Governance: a gentle guide for the non-financial charity trustee — free book

When there are finance specialists on the board, a finance committee and a treasurer, why do all trustees have to engage in financial matters? Find out more.


How to recruit trustees for your charity

How do you get talented and dynamic individuals, who are representative of their communities, onboard as trustees for your cause? Find out more.

The Complete Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Handbook

In the voluntary sector, the customer is not just the funder or the beneficiary but everyone the organisation comes in contact with, and so CRM is crucial to everyone in the organisation. Find out more.

Financial Governance for Trustees — online course

This half-day course is aimed at existing or potential trustees or anyone who has a governance role, as well as senior managers within charities. Book your place.


Managing Without Profit

The only book out there that covers — in one volume — management, governance and leadership tailored specifically for the civil society sector. Mike Hudson’s advice is based on decades of experience. He provides strategic insights that organisations can use to maximise their effectiveness. Find out more.


One Minute Tips on Governance

Learn the key things you need to know to successfully manage a charity — in 60 minutes or less. Find out more.


Business and Strategic Planning

This comprehensive guide will help you develop a robust business strategy, a business plan, a plan for change, or any other strategic plan you need to guide your organisation where it needs to go. Find out more.


Collaborative Working

Why is collaboration with other charities seen as a threat, rather than an opportunity? This is your complete guide to making collaborative work effective, without losing what makes your organisation unique. Find out more.

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